
Industry standard graphical logging application for use with MLogger

TControl is used to operate the MLogger series gas detectors.  Can be launched locally or remotely, to review and make changes to lagging profiles for Depth Based export.

Desktop Software for MLogger Gas Detector

Connect directly to your gas detector locally or anywhere a internet connection is available.  Graphically view your drilling data before LAS generation when its too late.

Time Based Curves

View your time-based data curves and edit any interpreted lagging data like off bottom or not circulating markers.  Post process and interpret lagging profiles.

Post Process Chromat Runs

Flip through each chromat run on the MLogger since the project was setup.  Modify retention windows and calibrations to re-interpret and export a new LAS

Keep your own depth

tMake corrections based on pipe tally or remove erroneous footage.  Edited logging data is exported in LAS or ASCII format for import into most mud log editors including TLog

Review Past Wells in TIME VIEw

TControl saves data locally to the computer once its connected to an MLogger.  Review time data from previous wells, make lag or chromat changes to export again